The Notleys

Adventures in the lives of Chris & Michelle Notley... coming to you as they happen.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Eden's Legacy page

I've taken the time to create a Legacy page for Eden on the Trisomy 18 Foundation website. There is a section where a donation can be made in her name towards the foundation to continue research and promote education of Trisomy 18.

Here is the website address:

I hope you will consider taking the time to read her page and to make a donation to the T-18 foundation!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Our ultrasound and amnio

Well, I had my ultrasound and amnio on Monday. Everything went really well and I had nothing to be nervous about. Baby was moving around, looked great, measured right on to the day for growth and the dr. was really pleased and said everything looked perfect. Baby's heartbeat was 165pbm and sounded like music to my ears! I had Marni-Jo, my mom and my mother-in-law at my appointment with me, which was just great. We all witnessed firsthand what the baby is, and...

We're absolutely thrilled to know that we have a healthy little boy who's on his way. We've settled on the name LIAM RHODES for our little man and I can't wait to meet him! I'm so in love with this little guy already, its just amazing. Here's a couple pictures from the ultrasound of his little hands and feet!
Its amazing how much detail can be seen.
Our next ultrasound appointment is on April 30th and Christopher will be there to see for himself just how much our little boy has grown!